Self-care is a wonderful thing, BUT...
None of the wellness techniques can fully offset the systemic and structural stressors in our workplace, such as toxic culture, discrimination, or lack of autonomy.
So much of the communication around stress, mine included, revolves around wellness behaviours that you could implement, which can most definitely help.
However, these strategies can easily leave somebody suffering from burnout feeling alone and like a total failure because they are not able to 'mindset' or 'breathe' their way out of the difficult situation.
An important piece of research looked at burnout recovery four years after the event, revealing that those who had fully recovered had made noticeable changes in their lives.
What this tells us is that burnout recovery is not only about 'taking a leave of absence' but is essentially a growth process as well.
As the saying goes, "If nothing changes, then nothing changes."
If you feel that your stress or burnout is caused by your workplace, and none of the well-being techniques are helping, it might be time to take the leap.